Washing liquid, olive oil, water, and yellow ink, in a plastic beaker, shaken but not stirred. Shot from above, lit by the modelling lamps of my Interfit flash heads.
Another Glass Abstract.
Found on a skip at Chichester Marina.
Taken at Littlehampton.
It’s interesting to see all the shots I’ve taken at Keyhaven hopefully demonstrating how many varied photo opportunities it has. I’m always keen to pay a visit.
After taking Bubbles Macro III I added a little ink into the mix, the flash over exposed the shot but I like the high key effect.
I found a much better tutorial for photographing soap films. For this one I’m using a 90mm macro lens and extension tubes and still not getting as close to the action as A Kind of Magic. I guess He’s using a Canon MP-E 65mm or something similar.
Taken with extension tubes and a Tamron 90mm macro lens, lighting from an off camera flash. See more Bubbles.